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Bob Lazar and Gene Huff have a new web site! Check it out!


This link takes you directly to the late breaking news page at Aufora. Check it out..

Links to other UFO resources on the net

Have you seen an Unidentified Flying Object? Or had a run in with the occupants? I am very interested! Please click here and fill out the form so we can add your experience to our database. If you are a researcher please email me for information.

Who are the greys really? Please click here to read my thesis of the exobiological evolution of the Grey Life forms.

Majestic 12
The super secret organization that maintains Area 51/S-4 and runs covert operations to retrieve and test UFO's.

Mysterious aircraft?
Have you seen an Unidentified Flying Object? Visit Mystery Aircraft Resource page to find out the latest information on Tacit Blue, Aurora, and Senior citizen.

Communications Center
Need the frequency for the Nellis Range? or Pahute Mesa? Click here to get the latest frequencies for Area 51, S-4, and other Nellis facilities

The Intelligence Center
Read the latest intelligence reports on S-4.

Data Retrieval
See the latest information to come our of S4. Examine the photos yourself, and make informed decisions.

Click here to access the S-4 Datanet realtime chat system.
Welcome to the S-4 Database

The purpose of this page is to educate the public as to the true nature of the Extraterrestrial Biological Entities visiting our world. Before we can ever make a leap of faith in order to deal with the upcoming situations, we must understand w ho we are dealing with. In the 1950's they were the "Gigantic Martians who invaded New York." In the 1960's-1970's, they were the "Peaceful Space Brothers." Finally, in the 1980's after Robert Lazar came out, we understood the true nature of the Gr eys.

Our biggest problem at this point is the subversion of information. In "Ufology" we have been fractionalized and disinformationed to death, our sources, friends, and idols have been turned. We must stop, listen and look for the truth. Only in the truth will we be set free. We must stop the infighting and pool our knowledge, understanding, and our skills. The information is there, brave individuals have come forward searching for the truth, only to be met with jeers and laughter. This must stop, only at the point when we unify will we prose a big enough that Maji will take us seriously! We are destroying ourselves from the inside!

You are the to enter since 5.28.96

Need a website? The S-4 Database is now offering web design services so if you need help or want a new site Visit The Ant Farm

This site is constantly under construction, so if you have anything to comments please E-Mail me! I accept all advice. I answer all mail so let me know how the site is!

This site was created by The Ant Farm.©1996,

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